kind of a journal
this is where i post some of the things going on with me or my thoughts. i only keep a few weeks up at at time. so it’s mostly up to date.
Week of June 25, 2024 hello, so I drove across the country. I left Santa Monica and drove to my mom’s farm in Ontario, Canada. it was me and my dad, listening to true crime podcasts and getting to see America. I’ve only ever been to California, so it was amazing to get to see the US. we drove through Nevada, Colorado, Nebraska, Minnesota, Indian, and Michigan. it was kinda long, but I loved it. Everywhere we stopped, everyone was so friendly. we drove up to St. Paul and visited friends. we even stopped in a pawn shop in Colorado Springs and bought a guitar. that was so cool.
Week of June 9, 2024 hello my luvs. so I finally finished school. I am done grade 11. only one more year and then I’m out in the big world. it was hard at times, especially moving to LA and having to make new friends and try and figure things out. but i hung in there and now I have that core group that i can hang out with and count on. it makes a difference. next week i’m going on a huge roadtrip back to Canada. driving back with my dad. super excited to see a bunch of america. I’ll try and upload some pics. i hope everyone had a great school year. and have the best summer.
Week of May 26, 2024 hello my luvs. so Love to Lie dropped and in the first day the song had over 2000 streams. i know in the grand scheme of things that’s not a lot. but for me it is. i mean that means that somewhere in the word a few thousand people listened to my song. and maybe there’s a few people that listen to Love to Lie and it affects them, or moves them, or changes them in some small way. and that’s the power of music. and that’s pretty wonderful. and that’s a big part of why i do this.
Week of May 20, 2024 hello my luvs. so so excited right now. Sorry just went over 200K streams. and Love to Lie comes out on friday may 24. that’s when the link below goes live. such a big week for me. thanks so much for all your support. I really really appreciate it. you have no idea how empowering it is to get so much support. lots of love back.